ADA AGM 2014
Agenda ADA AGM 2014 (September 14)
In Auckland:
Board Approve minutes of previous meeting:
1.Activity Reports
1.1 Netwalking ~
Final acquittal made Julian briefs ADA on where the documentation is at
1.2 Kahikatea Activities;
Toi Uru Kahikatea Funding outcome, Sound Sky Artists Tour (Wellington upcoming 19 September – sign up at
1.3 Trust update; Accounting, Charities commission returns
Vicki to do the next round of GST after the end of the September period end.
Charities Commission returns are up to date the next one is due at the end of September. New legislative requirements for reporting come in from April 2015. Charities Commission will hold some free online seminars that Vicki will attend to be updated on the change in reporting requirements.
ADA readers depreciated out of accounts but still valuable as gifts for speakers and have been bought by new arrivals (for example Nolwenn Lacire progamme director for Digital Art Live). Some copies in Dunedin any suggestions for where or who might benefit from these welcome.
1.4 ADA Projectors Proposal
Gavin has indicated that ADA projectors can be depreciated out of the ADA financial statement as assets by 2015 accounting round. Melanie Oliver has indicated the that headphones have turned up (to check iPods, and brackets as included in the details) Issues arose post earthquake and change in venues so these might still be found.
1.5 Planning 2015
Toi Uru Kahikatea:
ADA was unsuccessful in the application for the 2015-2018 (proposed but invited by CNZ to re-submit, discussed with advisor Kate Montgomery and Board.
Ongoing Funding transition to Project Based:
ADA board have submitted 2 project applications to CNZ
124005:128774 – towards a five day ‘book sprint’.
124005:128773 – towards a series of local events and the development of ADA Artbase and online platforms.
Symposium 2015?
Heather Gilbraith indicated Massey are keen to host the next ADA symposium (board to discuss if 2015 is a reality or wait until 2016 – will require a project based application to CNZ OR the initiation of the ADA symposium being financially supported by Institutions.
2. Financial Statements
Financial Statement from Gavin Shephard for approval (available on request)
Board members can find in ADA Dropbox
3. Chair’s Report –
4. Election of Trustees
Current trustees: Zita Joyce – Chair Julian Priest (elected 2009), Ana Terry (elected 2010), Vicki Smith (elected 2011), Birgit Bachler, Ted Whitaker, Don Hunter & Sarah-Jane Parton (elected 2013)
Leaving the Chair but remaining on the board Zita
Caro McCaw by email
“Hi Vicki!
Firstly thank you for your role in organising a fantastic symposia, rich in art and ideas and very stimulating conversation! I urge you to continue this fantastic work for the benefit of so many.
Secondly, I hear that the role of ADA trust board chair is to become vacant. May I, as a list member, nominate Ted Whitaker and Birgit Bachelor as co-chairs? I believe between them they will bring leadership and energy to the trust as a collaborating duo, understanding younger markets, regional, national and international perspectives.
Love to all
Seconded Julian Priest
Nominations new trustees…
Rob Carter nominated by Vicki Smith
Seconded by Julian Priest
5. Future structure of ADA
5.1 Processes/Communication (Use loomio for ADA board processes, develop use of Project Management tool in WordPress for projects)
5.2 Membership (discussion deferred to be addressed by new trust board)
5.3 Trustees (new nominees)
6. General Business?