The work of Jordana Bragg aims to reclaim the fraught space in which we mitigate the politicisation of our bodies. The body is central to her work, because even online the female body is not free or without implication.
Draw/record a walk along old (approximate) water routes in the upper city and to communicate progress via contemporary media which is visible in real time to symposium members on the sea line (shown on a screen and at the ADA Symposium in the Wharf/warehouse area).
PHIL DADSON and others, 1971
Each participant was required to make a report onto tape of data and impressions relevant to their position on earth, and instand in time, and take a dozen or so exposures of the location in which they performed. Both at an instant in time synchronised with other participant locations and coincident with the autumnal and spring equinoxes in northern and southern hemispheres.