An interactive, online artwork that gathers live pollutant levels from Auckland City air. The collaborative project includes urban meteorologists, programmers, media artists and breathers of air as a continuous feedback mechanism. Sensor instruments in Auckland, New Zealand provide a platform for continuously accessible, real-time information about city air quality.
DECEMBER, 2010. Burn was held at Greenbench art project space in 2010 with support from The Physics Room and coincided with the Aotearoa Digital Arts Network Energetics and Informatics symposium. The exhibition included oil paintings, photographs, video and assemblage exploring the relationship between art and oil as part of a wider discourse about energy and information […]
On December 11, 2010 an outdoor screening featuring nine artists was held on the exterior of the Sargeant Gallery as part of the 7th annual ADA Network Symposium.
Artist Pages from The Aotearoa Digital Arts Reader, ed. Brennan and Ballard, 2008.
Information gathered from the colour of the lush, enchanted and contaminated landscape of New Plymouth, New Zealand, was translated and transformed into a fragrance.
From The Aotearoa Digital Arts Reader, ed. Brennan and Ballard, 2008.
Priest challenges the common understanding of the Internet as a disembodied, virtual space and brings to our attention the physical side of the Internet and the question of how to find balance, faced with conflict between our environment and the impact of our own technological creations.