Rachael Rakena (Ngāi Tahu, Ngā Puhi) Rakena coined the term ‘Toi Rerehiko’ to centre, claim and name digital space within a Māori paradigm. She describes and locates Māori digital/video/electronic-based art practice in terms of continuum, motion, and collaboration. Her art installations have evolved to enculturate and politicize water itself, navigating issues of ongoing Pacific diaspora, […]
Ted Whitaker, 2019 Mobile phone, mixed-media Running in the Background consists of a consumer mobile phone, housed within an acrylic display case. The objects blend a language of a retail space and a hospital or science laboratory. The environment within the cube becomes strained under the activity of the device, in turn producing heat. The […]
Digital creatives Hubbub present this visualisation of the communication pathways of the brain and their construction which allows viewers to share their simplification of creative and communication processes.
Presented by Julieanne Eason & the clinic, “Between the dog and the wolf” is theatre re-contextualized. The audience is situated within the installation a 1950’s bach the story unfolds in sound and video around them.
The audience’s actions reveal and control this provocative interactive multimedia installation presented by Julieanne Eason (the clinic).
Data Made Flesh, an installation work developed in collaboration with the Australian artist Simon Berman, explored the materiality of code, and the underlying structure of “the network” by representing and making explicit the flows of binary data that circulated through the localised network that we established for the project.