and Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) will see an international and multidisciplinary gathering engage across the expanded field of digital media practice and how it interfaces with social and civic activity.
Play Pen is an explorative place-making game that playfully seeks to engage community in creating solutions to adapting Whakatū / Nelson’s urban environment to future impacts. Installed at Refinery ArtSpace 19-25 September as part of the 2022 ADA Symposium Indeterminate Infrastructures – Objects, Signals & Architectures
Please find the symposium programme below and head over to to view our new website with all symposium content. Indeterminate Infrastructures – Objects, signals and architectures is the 10th ADA Network symposium, taking place in the form of a one-day online symposium on Saturday 4th December 2021. Contemporary media have been continuously shaped by […]
Rachael Rakena (Ngāi Tahu, Ngā Puhi) Rakena coined the term ‘Toi Rerehiko’ to centre, claim and name digital space within a Māori paradigm. She describes and locates Māori digital/video/electronic-based art practice in terms of continuum, motion, and collaboration. Her art installations have evolved to enculturate and politicize water itself, navigating issues of ongoing Pacific diaspora, […]
Kedron Parker Video Photobook, 2021, 1:01 min My name is Kedron Parker and I have been photographing Inanga Love Park for five years. The Inanga Love Park Picture Show is a personal diary. This one-minute “Picture Show” starts as a meditation on inanga fish and their eggs, but quickly gives way to a stream-of-consciousness image […]
Tim Corballis This presentation takes the image of the ocean platform—real and imagined—as a starting point for thinking through the economic and colonial infrastructures of digital platform technology. Digital platforms can offer a temporary, stable space or ‘island’ for social, financial exchange against a background of fluid, unfixed meaning and value. At the same time, […]