Who’s Really in Control?

Stella Wilson

have presented a mutoscope which displays a timelapse of penicillin mould overtaking a human brain.

Above the box, there is a vintage carnival inspired poster asking the viewer a question and inviting them to think and have a closer look inside. Where they encounter the brain and penicillin mould timelapse. The mould is a representation of social media and the damage it does to our mental well-being.

Two art objects in a room.

This installation acts as a prompt – it eludes to many different problems with technology and social media. For example, do we really have as much control over our devices and our data as we think we do? Or do our devices have more control over us than we are aware of..
That is for the viewer to decipher.

Link to the installation of the Mutoscope https://youtu.be/DbkBpvF9k2g

Link to the view inside the Mutoscope: https://youtu.be/q3XpFzoQ15w