The chronicle of < a new love order >
22 May – 21 June
Opening Wednesday 22 May 17:30 – 19:30
Open 12:00 – 16:00 weekdays
The Engine Room
Toi Rauwharangi College of Creative Arts
63 Wallace Street, Entrance C, Block 1
Wellington, New Zealand
“Tell me how does it feel, when your heart grows cold”
– Blue Monday (1983), New Order
“I call this number, for a data date, I don’t know what to do, I need a rendezvous”
– Computer Love (1981), Kraftwerk
“Amy: I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It’s a crazy thing to do. It’s kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.”
– Her (2013), Directed by Spike Jonze
From the dance floor to the dating app, computer technology has, for decades, played an important role in servicing our emotional needs and desires. Now with rapid advancements in AI, this emotional dependency has become enmeshed in our digital everyday in ways that are hard to notice or comprehend. The chronicle of < a new love order > responds to this shift, prompting conversation on computer-mediated emotional states through a group exhibition of artworks and contributions from AI.
The chronicle of < a new love order > is curated by The chronicle of < _______ > collective and features work from artists: Simon Endres, Kat Lang, Erica Sklenars, Shannon Novak, Miranda Bellamy and Amanda Fauteux
Presented as part of the Aotearoa Digital Arts Network 2024 Symposium, ‘Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream’ supported by Creative New Zealand and Wellington City Council.
The chronicle of < _______ > is accessible via a series of printed publications, exhibitions, events, and the website