ADA Mesh Cities is a series of events held over 2013-15. It proposes to address the role of media arts in the city, exploring key issues such as urban space, social engagement, memory and speculative futures through a series of symposia and artist workshop tours. The latest event in the programme is the ADA BookSprint November 23-28 2015.
NUMBER 8 COLLECTIVE, 2012 / 2013
The Un Litro de Agua project aims to establish and support dialogue between Colombian and New Zealand artists and the wider public through a series of collaborative arts events. The project facilitates discussion and critical thinking around sustainable water practices through workshops, exhibitions, urban interventions and platforms for public participation and dialogue.
The 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance will take place 5-12 December 2012. The festival will feature 38 live online performances created and presented in UpStage and a variety of other online platforms (including Water-Wheel’s the Tap, SecondLife, Visitors Studio and other purpose built networked environments).
An interactive, online artwork that gathers live pollutant levels from Auckland City air. The collaborative project includes urban meteorologists, programmers, media artists and breathers of air as a continuous feedback mechanism. Sensor instruments in Auckland, New Zealand provide a platform for continuously accessible, real-time information about city air quality.
The Cyberformance symposium, or CyPosium, will take place on Friday 12 October, 2012, and invites artists, researchers and interested participants to share and discuss past online performances. The CyPosium aims to tackle questions about the different kinds of events that have happened, what was unique about these particular events, what they made possible, why they were done in a certain way, and the results of these decisions.
The Netwalking Tour, a series of master classes and workshops with Simon Pope, will take place April 2013. The ADA Network will host public workshops in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington that will draw upon Pope’s recent work that has taken the form of walking-as-art. The workshops will explore an expanded notion of dialogue and negotiation.